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Oral Appetite Suppressants

There are many types of appetite suppressants and one of them is oral. Oral has a combination of a diet plan in order for you to lose weight fast and rigorously. This appetite supressant is used or taken with an empty stomach. Avoid crushing or chewing them as it decreases the long action and may eventually cause side effects, that is why this is best swallowed whole.

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The effects that might be caused by this medication is sleeplessness. So it is best for you not to take this medication in the afternoon or early evening in order to avoid having restless nights. However, before taking this medication, you should always ask a doctor who would help you with the prescription and the doses which would be suitable for you. Also, it is very important for you to tell your doctor your medical history in order for the doctor to know the right and suitable appetite suppressant for you. Doctors advised is basically needed for people who have high blood pressure, emotional problems, an active thyroid and kidney problems.

appetite supressant

Oral appetite suppressants are usually available in any drug store or pharmacy. However, because of its side effect, it is stated to consult a doctor before using. Some of the known side effects that would be cause by taking this type of suppressant for your appetite are blurred vision, dizziness, dry mouth and sleeplessness. However, on the first few days of taking u this medication, it is highly observed that stomach upset and constipation may happen.

appetite supressant

This medication can be habit forming and must always be used with extreme caution in order to have a good and successful result in your road to a healthy and balanced life. Also, you can consult dietician for a second opinion on the complete format and method of oral medication in suppressing your appetite for meals.

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